The Breast Abnormalities Harmless (Benign Breast Conditions)

Posted by hidup sehat On Monday, November 21, 2011 0 comments

You may have or have symptoms

Do you feel lumps, bumps or areas of "hard" on your breast?
Do you feel pain or breast pain when touched (sensitivity)?
Is breast pain (mastalgia) become stronger when menstruation?
Does the pain continued and did not follow the menstrual cycle?
Do you need to take medication to relieve breast pain?
Does your breast abnormalities affect your relationship with your husband?
If you answered 'yes' for any of the above questions, then you may be suffering from a condition known as breast abnormalities are harmless (benign). This condition is also known as fibrocystic breast disease, mammary dysplasia, breast cancer is harmless (benign) or cystic mastitis kronic.

Your Breast

Breasts are glands that consists of many channels (ducts) surrounded by a lobe (lobes) glandular tissue and fat tissue. Its main role is to create and produce milk. Breast influenced by female sex hormones produced by the ovaries. These hormones cause breasts to grow and change with the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

As the amount of these hormones vary during the menstrual cycle, many women will feel changes in their breasts.

How often does this harmless breast abnormalities occur?
Doctors found that many patients experience this breast. Most women have a tissue structure that allows this situation occurs. Therefore, this is a disease that most often strikes the breast!

What is breast abnormalities that are not dangerous?
These differences are "disease" is not cancer (cancer) that can occur in one or both breasts. It is often known by the fluid-filled lump or lump (cyst) or a cyst.

It can happen in one part of the breast or involve the whole breast. It can rise as one or more fluid-filled lumps. This lump may feel pain or pain only when touched. It may also be lost directly for a while and then resurfaced.

Hormonal changes can cause breast abnormalities change, especially changes related to the menstrual cycle. These variations can occur at all ages after the presence of menstruation, but it is more often between the ages of 30 and leaving age menstruation (menopause).

These differences will become more severe with increasing age, in which the production of hormones from the ovaries have reached the maximum level for several years. It will diminish after menopause, and most breast abnormalities will disappear within one or two years, except if the woman received additional estrogen treatment. Some women will develop fluid-filled lumps up to parents, regardless of treatment.

What causes this variation?
Why the disease occurs is not known, but it believed to be caused by female sex hormones ketidakseimbangnya. It does not occur before the age of first menstrual period and will subside after leaving age periods (menopause).

How do I know that I mengidapinya?
This difference is usually referred to when women see a doctor for examination or while trying to get treatment because of pain or pain when touched or felt a lump in the breast during breast self-examination.

In this case your doctor will do some tests or refer you to a specialist. These tests include radiology tests such as mammograms or breast X-ray and ultrasound. Another test is to take out fluid from the lump for laboratory examination using a needle. A specialist may be guilty of a minor surgical procedure called a biopsy in which tissue from the lump to be taken for examination. If you are a very large chunks, or to show some discrepancies, doctors may perform surgery to remove the lumps.

If test results do not indicate cancer, your doctor will tell you this good news and further advice. You must remain calm during the pendency of this inspection. It is a usual thing, if you are advised to meet with your doctor every year or several months. This depends on the pathology results received and symptoms that you have not even DIAGNOSED cancer / cancer.

What is the treatment?
If pain is not extreme, or just come for a few days in a month, most doctors will suggest a simple way to treat it. Use a good bra and not wearing tight clothing.

You may also be advised to reduce their intake of coffee, tea and 'cola' in which the content of caffeine may aggravate the situation. Control the sugar in your food. If breast pain (mastalgia) persists, you may be given medication to reduce fluid in the body (diuretics) or painkillers.

"Treatment" above can only reduce the pain for a while.

When the pain became even louder breast restrict your physical activity (running, dancing or other exercise), more specific treatment may be needed. These treatments include drugs that have been commonly used for long-term impact on the state of paregoric this variation. These drugs will reduce the production of hormones which will give your breasts a chance to rest.

Breast abnormalities that are not dangerous is not the most common breast cancer. It causes the breast to feel pain or feel painful when touched. Variants may vary from month to month because it is influenced by changes in female hormone levels.

It is usually detected during breast self-examination and then confirmed by medical tests. Fortunately, conditions or symptoms can be eliminated or reduced by medical treatment. The pain may be lost or relieved.

If there are lumps in the breast fluid that you do not have symptoms and you do not feel any pain, chances are, it does not require any treatment but you will be advised to make a re-examination at the time prescribed by your doctor.

So if you are in doubt whether you are suffering from this condition, please consult your doctor. Ask about treatments and medications that can help. However, be calm. You will feel more comfortable when you know that this condition is not dangerous. You are not alone because relatively many women also have breast abnormalities are not dangerous!


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